

通过澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的全面奖励计划,您可以找到与符合条件的员工提供的退休计划相关的常见问题的答案. 参观 退休计划网页 了解更多信息.


Who is eligible for the University Contribution?


符合两年服务规定*及最少工作1年的TAR员工,均符合资格,000 hours in the Plan Year (July 1-June 30).

*为符合资格而设, 服务一年是指从您开始受雇之日起的12个月期间,以及您完成1的任何周年纪念日,000小时或以上的服务时间.

How do I waive the two-year service requirement to receive the University Contribution?

Service completed at any higher educational institution, 教学医院, 非牟利澳门威尼斯人网上赌场基金会, or not-for-profit support organization for higher educational institutions, as well as service at a member of the controlled group of the University, will count towards the two-year service requirement.

To receive credit for service at another eligible institution, you may complete the retirement service credit waiver in ,8经 (Main Menu>Self Service>好处>Retirement Service Credit). 请记得在您的雇用日期后90天内提交您的服务信用豁免,以便我们可以追溯处理缴款.

*截至8月1日, 2023, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场控制组的成员包括:高地医院, 匹兹堡高地, 布莱顿高地, 高地生活中心, 公司, UR Medicine 首页 Care (previously Visiting Nurse Service, 探访护士(签名护理), 尼古拉斯·H. Noyes Memorial Hospital, Jones Memorial Hospital, F. F. 汤普森健康系统公司., St. James Hospital, and Finger Lakes 健康.

Who is eligible to make 自愿捐款?

All employees are eligible to make 自愿捐款; except you are not allowed to participate if you are a student whose employment is incidental to your education at the University. Detailed eligibility information can be found on the 资格和注册页面.

除了, 合资格雇员将自动登记(解释如下)作出自愿性供款.


新聘或再聘, 定期全职及定期兼职教职员将自动登记作出自愿供款. 每个支付期将按3%从你的税前合资格薪酬中自动供款. 7月1日生效, 2020, 您的工资延期选择将在您入职之日起每年增加1%,最多增加15%. You may elect to change or cease contributions at any time.

How do I change my Voluntary Contribution, and when can I make this change?

You may elect to make 自愿捐款 as soon as you are hired, 你可以增加, decrease or begin making 自愿捐款 any time during the year. 在网上完成你的选举 TIAA.org/rochester 或致电 (800) 410-6497星期一至星期五上午8点.m–10 p.m. (ET).

What is the University’s Direct Contribution to the Retirement Program?

2024年7月1日生效:6.2% of eligible compensation, up to the breakpoint ($65,000), then 10.5% of eligible compensation in excess of the breakpoint, up to the IRS limit ($345,000).

Do I need to make 自愿捐款 to receive the University Direct Contribution?

No, the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 Retirement Program is not a matching plan. For the Plan Year during which you satisfy the eligibility requirements, 在你符合资格要求后,你将获直接供款支付整个工资期的合资格补偿, regardless of your 自愿捐款.

How do I view my University Direct Contributions?

The University Direct Contribution is deposited directly into your TIAA account, and does not appear on your paycheck. To review your contributions, log into your TIAA account online (TIAA.org/Rochester) 或者回顾你的季度报表.

After completing two years of service, what do I need to do to begin receiving the University Contribution?

You are not required to take action to begin receiving University Direct Contributions; however, 您可以完成您的注册, 选择你的投资分配, and designate your beneficiaries online at TIAA.org/rochester 或致电 (800) 410-6497.

你的第一笔供款将以你符合资格的首个全薪期的收入为基础. If you become eligible in the middle of a pay period, you will receive your first contribution with the next pay period’s earnings.

What options do I have for my 自愿捐款?

You can contribute in one of the two ways listed below or a combination of both:

  • 税前403(b) -递延税自愿性供款在扣除所得税及扣减额前,先从你的工资总额中扣除. This reduces your taxable income by the amount of your 自愿捐款, which means you pay less in income taxes.
  • Roth After-Tax 403(b) – With the Roth after-tax option, your contribution is taken out of your paycheck after your income is taxed, which does not lower your current taxes. Find detailed information on the Roth contribution option 在这里.
What is the maximum that I can contribute from my salary to the Retirement Program?


Maximum annual Voluntary Contribution limits for Calendar Year 2024:

  • 50岁以下:23,000美元
  • For those age 50 or older by December 31: $30,500



你可以从另一个不相关的雇主的计划和某些个人退休账户中“滚动”分配到退休计划中, 前提是分配计划或IRA是合格的,并满足以下要求:

  • 因为你的年龄是70岁半(如果你出生在7月1日之前),所以分配不是必需的最低分配, 1949) or 72 (if you were born after June 30, 1949)
  • 该分配不属于在10年或更长时间内支付的一系列基本上相等的定期付款的一部分, 你的一生中, or the lifetimes of you and your beneficiary;
  • The rollover does not include your own after-tax (Roth) contributions;
  • The rollover was not a hardship distribution.
  • 滚转供款须遵守适用于自愿性供款的相同提款规则.

如果您对转期供款有任何疑问,或希望转期进入退休计划, 联系记录管理员, TIAA, at (800) 410-6497.

What options do I have for investing my Voluntary and/or University Contributions?

您可以从众多知名金融机构的共同基金和年金选择中选择. 查看 投资菜单 了解更多信息. Additional information on these funds, including performance, can be found at TIAA.org/rochester 然后选择“投资选项”.”

Who can I talk to about my investment options?

TIAA可以帮助你理解, 招收, 并管理您在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场退休计划中的参与,无需额外费用. 呼叫 (800) 410-6497 或访问 TIAA.org/urschedule.

When can I withdraw my retirement accumulations?

Summary of When You May Withdraw Accumulations

  • Upon severance from employment from the University and members of its controlled group
  • If you are a retiree and have returned to work, after age 59 ½
  • 70岁半以后,不管什么原因
  • Upon severance from employment from the University and members of its controlled group
  • 在59岁半之后
  • 在59岁半之前,如果:
    • 成为残疾人
    • 有资格申请艰苦提款
    • Qualify for a birth/adoption withdrawal



When you sever from employment from the University and members of its controlled group, you have four options with your accounts:

  • Continue to maintain your accounts with the University’s record keeper, TIAA.
  • 取出你的存款. You will be required to pay ordinary income taxes, as well as a 10% penalty if you withdraw before the age of 59½ in most instances.
  • Rollover your accumulations to an IRA*.
  • 如果另一个雇主的退休计划接受你的转期,你可以将你的累积转期到另一个雇主的退休计划.

Note: If you are currently employed by, or become employed by a member of the controlled group, 你不能提取或展期你的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场退休计划积累.

*您不能将Roth 403(b)累积转至不符合Roth IRA资格的IRA.


What is the difference between the 403(b) and the 457(b) plans?

403(b)退休计划允许符合条件的雇员有机会在税收优惠的基础上为退休储蓄,并为退休储蓄提供直接贡献. Detailed eligibility information can be found 在这里.

递延补偿457(b)计划允许符合条件的参与者为退休或其他财务需求积累税收递延储蓄,超出澳门威尼斯人网上赌场403(b)退休计划的限制. Detailed eligibility information can be found 在这里.

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